Stories and Articles

Jake-photograph by Jennifer Kogut
Animal stories
- Triskele – a children’s story
- An Acupuncture Lesson – Sessions with Kuma
- Prognoses are only as good as the paper they are printed on – Lou’s story
- Rooney’s wisdom
- A cat named Raven
- Nick has the most beautiful toes
- Sometimes three legs are better than four
- The greatest kindness is sometimes death
- Integrative and Holistic Approaches to Cancer – a book in progress
- My podcast on cancer on Tripawds.
- Managing Cushings disease in dogs holistically
- Infrared light therapy for kidney failure, incontinence and arthritis
- Alli and her cat puppies – getting dogs and cats to co-exist
- Prevention of crystals in cats and a little about FLUTD
- Natural solutions to treat acute diarrhea in cats and dogs
- Chronic Diarrhea in Dogs – Herbs and Diet to the Rescue
- Kidney Failure in Cats – How Chinese Medicine and Diet Can Help
- Making Crazy Awesome Homemade Cat Food
- Feline Stomatitis – How to Stop the Pain
- Itchy Dogs – the Link Between Inflammation and Diet
- Treating Severe Skin Disease Herbally
- How do I pick the best food for my dog’s health
- How do I pick the best food for my cat’s health
- Dementia and anxiety in your older dog
- My animal companion has to go under anesthesia- what can I do to help?
- And baby and kitty make three- the truth about toxoplasmosis in cats and pregnancy
- The mysteries of nerves part 1 paralysis
- A magic vial of yunnan baiyao
- Stop the Pain! Arthritis and your animal friend
- The Danger of Compact Fluorescent Lighting
- My Vet Can No Longer Help! Where Do I Turn To?
- Fip Is Not a Contagious Disease
- Incontinence-stoking the blue fire sea serpent
- Acupuncture treatment for strokes
- To vaccinate or not to vaccinate – that is the question. Part 1 cats.
- Part 2 Dogs
- My secret world of plants – using Chinese herbs for healing in animals
- Is the sky falling down-fireworks and your animal friend
- Christmas lilies and cats
Articles on healing