Got your goat!
I had to add this picture after seeing it on our wonderful local news source The West Seattle Blog. This little guy ran away from home and was picked by the Seattle Police. He ended up enjoying himself in one of the holding cells. I guess if you can’t find a plant to eat, toilet paper is the second best thing! I treat a couple of dogs who also enjoy an occasionally toilet paper binge. Here is the full story, Happy reunion, after Southwest Precinct got someone’s goat .
We are seeing more and more goats in the city and there are many services, like The Goat Lady , that will rent you a herd for doing some pruning. A while back there was a whole herd of them at the local elementary school eating back the blackberries. There were always a constant stream of people who would stop to watch and comment in high pitched voices.
“Look at their fuzzy little ears.”
“They are so cute!”
February 5th, 2009 at 11:06 am
In Palos Verdes here in So. Calif. they use goats all the time to prune the dry brush. That seems such a great idea.