Welcome to 2015!
While I have had some amazing changes in 2014, including opening Kingdom of Basil our holistic clinic for people and their animals, I am happy to move onto a new year. Here’s a list of goals I would like to accomplish in the new year
Move Kingdom of Basil into its full potential Truthfully this year we did a lot to just get it off the ground. In the new year I would like to see our wonderful clinic become full of many practitioners with thriving businesses and hopefully get the store up and running. We are on our way with two news practitioners starting in February. Joleen Black, EAMP will be working with people with acupuncture and herbs and Erika Nelson, DMV, CVA will join use doing acupuncture and herbal medicine for animals. In addition Jen Streit, SAMP will join use helping with the herbal business.
Get the book out! I had no idea how easy it is to get bogged down with editing. The integrative care animal cancer book will remain forever available online but I would like to get it out on ebook and paper form.
Blog more I have to admit it has been hard to find time to write lately with getting the clinic up and running but I love to share knowledge and I hope to have time in the new year to do more of that.
Make more herbal products – I love making salves and new formulas and playing with my herbs. I want to make more fun products to share with you and your animal companions!
Get into my other writing again Did you know I have a novel I’m writing, a children’s book I want to publish someday? I really want to find time this year to get back into my creative writing. I recently was invited to join a writing group and I hope that will help motivate me and inspire me to pick up this writing again

Grow, share, reach the world I am so inspired by being able to reach people all over the world. I want to continue to see more and more people and their animals benefit from what I can share.
Keep things open I truly believe that you can make a living off of sharing information and not having a “sticker price” for knowledge. See A World of Sharing and Trust – Why Everything on Path With Paws is Free and Sharable. I want to continue to prove this. Please share everything I post with friends, relatives, co-workers, your vet, your animals!
Here’s to a wonderful 2015!
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on Thursday, January 1st, 2015 at 10:55 am and is filed under general information.
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