How to use this book – guide for using Integrative and holistic methods for treating cancer in dogs and cats
See the book this article talks about, Integrative and Holistic methods for treating cancer in dogs and cats.
It takes a village to raise a dog and it takes a team to work with cancer. I cannot emphasize enough how important a good team is for working with a dog or cat with cancer. Not only to make sure your animal is getting the best care possible but also to offer you, the caregiver, support.
If you can find a holistic veterinarian to work with, you are going to have a much easier time. I often recommend acupuncture, which is something that cannot be done without an acupuncturist for animals as part of your team. Also because every dog and cat is different having someone who knows your dog or cat will be very helpful. While I have laid out what I normally use for certain cancers, I find in my own practice that this will change from animal to animal. This is because they all present slightly differently and sometimes they don’t follow typical patterns.
However I understand that some places there are no holistic vet, sometimes money is an issue, some animals cannot travel and sometimes the holistic vets in your area are not herbalists.
I have found through my practice that many western vets are open to holistic medicine especially herbs and especially for the diseases such as cancer that often do not have good western treatments. Bring this book to your vet and discuss the treatments with them.
I realize that there are some people that are going to use this information without a vet involved in the process. If you choose this course, make sure that you don’t use anything that makes your dog or cat sick. Add in one or two supplements or herbals at a time. If you dog or cat is under the care of a veterinarian let them know what you are doing. Make sure there are no interactions between the drugs you are giving and any supplements or herbs that you add.
Do not add multiple supplements to the protocol of an animal who is not eating. Get them eating first. If an animal has a very picky appetite consider giving the supplements or herbals separate from food. Talk to your vet about drugs that can boost appetite and get your dog or cat eating again.
If there is pain involved do not just rely on just herbals. Make sure you talk to your vet about pain control.
Remember eating, sleeping and stopping pain first. Comfort and quality of life are primary.
So that all being said – what do you do with the actual book
- If at all possible read or skim the whole thing – you will get a lot more information
- If you don’t want to read the whole book start with the chapter –How to determine when to use western/holistic medicine
- Use the chapter How to find a holistic vet to work with to see if there is someone in your area who can help
- If your animal has one of the cancers that are given individual sections, see Types of cancer and their treatments, read that section
- If not, read through the section called Chinese medicine and cancer
- Read through the sections on the herbals, Herbal treatments – plants holding cancer at bay, that are talked about for the type of cancer or Chinese pattern your animal companion has, there will be links to click on
- If you are working with a cat with cancer read the section Cats and Cancer some thoughts before you treat
I cannot do phone or email consultations – I have a full practice and only see animals in the Seattle area. I am only one person. Even with animals that are local I am not able to see everyone. Find someone in your community to help! There are many others that do what I do. I don’t hold any miracles that others cannot access. There are also other ways of treating cancer that work well. This is just what I have found works the best.
May your path be gentle and filled with healing and support!
May 1st, 2013 at 9:56 pm
Hi, i started writing a pet care blog over two years ago. the more i researched the more i found holistic treatments/remedies were better for the pet. here are some links that will help those looking for holistic vets, thanks
May 2nd, 2013 at 11:22 am
Looks like a great blog Paula! Thanks for sharing:-)