Archive for the ‘general information’ Category

Yunnan Baiyao and ox bile – clearing up the confusion

Wednesday, May 15th, 2013

I have heard from a number of people lately that Yunnan Baiyao also known as Yunnan Paiyao with ox bile should not be used in dogs. This seems to have been started from a post by a human chiropractor who has written a book on dog cancer. My understanding is that cow gallstone is part of all yunnan baiyao even if it is not labeled on the package. The exact formula is closely guarded and in spite of having ingredient lists now available it is still not known, so really none of us know exactly what is in it.

There is no reason that this product or other products that contain ox bile or ox gallstone in dogs should not be used. If you have an ethical dilemma to this that is a different argument. Us holistic vets have been using this product for years. I am sorry there is misinformation out there that may be getting in the way of people using a product that could be helping their animals.

Taking a break for a month or two

Thursday, January 3rd, 2013’ve realized that I need to take a short break from writing. I will not be available during the month of January and there will be no new posts. Comments will be closed. I will leave the forums up if people want to talk to each other. Thank you for visiting!

To find a good holistic vet in your area see How to Find a Holistic Vet.

Alli gets a new collar

Sunday, September 30th, 2012

Alli received a new collar and leash in the mail yesterday. After much looking around Adam and I found one we both liked. We started with him wanting a black collar and me wanting a lavender collar with stars or flowers. This one seems to have a bit of a modern art theme with some lavender and purple. Not to feminine, not too masculine, but instead just right.

We found this one in a shop on etsy called 3 pooches. They have an amazing selection of beautiful collars, all made to order. I am very happy with the quality and Alli seems pleased as well. She was holding her head high at the dog park yesterday and turning heads. It took a couple weeks but well worth it to get just what we wanted.

I have long been a fan of etsy but now after having my own shop Kingdom of Basil, I’ve made ever more of an effect to support some of the other artists that are part of this community.

To me etsy feels a bit like an online craft fair. If you haven’t visited please come by and take a look! I’ve bought some amazing original homemade clothing for humans also.

Saturday Herb Delivery

Saturday, September 15th, 2012

Herb deliveries are always fun. While the western herbs are usually more colorful and pretty, the Chinese herbs smell the best. This order included cinnamon, ginger, honeysuckle flowers, bupleurum, and ginseng to name a few.

Some of my cancer formulas are heavy on ginger, bupleurum, cinnamon and ginseng. Honeysuckle is good for cooling and detox and most often found is my formulas for itchy skin and inflammation.

Almost all my Chinese herbs come from a company called Spring Wind. Spring Wind is awesome!

Andy Ellis who started the company is extremely careful about the herbs he brings in from China. Everything is tested to make sure it is free of contaminates, pesticides, and toxins and is what it actually supposed to be (aka the right species). You may be able to find herbs for cheaper but I am happy to pay more to be sure my herbs are good and my animal patients are going to be safe.

There are sometimes that I can not get certain herbs because he can not find a good source. Most recently there was an issue with all the cicada casing being contaminated with pesticides. Go figure! We are so lucky to have such an amazing herb company is our community.

Spring Wind has a wonderful line of skin products and ointments for humans, they are after all a human company. Check it out!

I’m away on vacation!

Thursday, August 9th, 2012

I’m about to take a three week vacation. Over the next week I will be working hard to see all my animal clients and then gone until mid-September.

This coming week and while I am away posting will be light or non-existent and comments and emails will go unchecked. Hope you are all enjoying the summer and thanks for visiting!

Animals As Healers and Teachers with Rose De Dan and Peggy Gilmer

Wednesday, June 20th, 2012

This is a great new workshop offered by my friend Rose De Dan and Peggy Gilmer who is a leadership coach. I am planning on taking it myself.

Nothing develops our abilities or heals us as quickly as time spent with animal teachers in sacred ceremony.


Long ago people and animals had a relationship based on mutual trust and respect; indigenous people celebrated the sacredness of Horse and honored the spiritual connection with powerful ceremonies.

Over time that understanding and connection has been mostly forgotten. And, in losing connection with the spirits of our Horse relatives, we have also lost connection with our own.


Join us, Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing, and Peggy Gilmer, Leadership and Self Mastery Coach at Silk Purse Farm, for a collaborative and groundbreaking adventure in a truly lovely and unique location.

During this very special weekend we will spend time in sacred ceremony and dialogue with the Horses who can show us the way back – helping us to heal and renew the bond that we once shared.

In the process you will gain insights and experience energetic shifts that will strengthen your ability to communicate and connect with all animals as teachers and partners.

So that we may have the support of spirit allies we will invoke sacred space in the Peruvian shamanic tradition for the duration of the weekend. Opening sacred space makes it possible for Spirit to manifest profound connections, insights and energetic shifts for all participants.

Our intention for being with the horses is threefold: to connect with them, to learn from them, and—as partners—to work together in healing and in ceremony to co-create a new way of being.

Located on the Enumclaw Plateau overlooking the Cascade foothills, Silk Purse Farm is home to a herd of equine coaches who playfully and skillfully teach humans to be better partners to animals…and other humans.

No Prerequisites: No previous experience with animal communication, horses, riding, shamanism, or energy healing is required, only a willingness to connect with the Horses as teachers.


Prior to the workshop:

Two one-hour preparatory teleclasses are included in the fee and attendance at BOTH is a requirement for participation in the August 11-12 workshop.

These teleclasses are designed to offer participants basic training, guidance, support and community-building before we meet with the Horse teachers. The call will include some shamanic journey work and there will be daily practice exercises for afterward to help strengthen awareness and the ability to foster connection during the event. (Yes, there is homework, but it will be fun!)

The first teleclass is July 10 at  6:00 p.m. PDT
The second teleclass is July 24 at 6:00 p.m. PDT


During the workshop we will:

  • interweave the energy from storytelling, shamanic journeys and ceremonies with visits, interactions, guidance from the horses
  • play with horses who openly provide feedback, learn with you, and never judge
  • join together in ceremony for personal and global healing
  • discover our own intuitive capabilities for use in daily life and with our own animal companions
  • identify and release energetic blockages that are holding you back

This class offers the opportunity to participate in smaller groups with one-on-one attention as well as focused individual work for a fuller and more intimate and enriching connection with the energy and the horses.



The fee for the workshop includes cost of training plus beverages and lunch both days. Dinner Saturday night features community-style potluck dinner. Details will be provided upon registration for planning purposes.



Workshop fee does not include any travel expenses incurred or lodging. A list of the closest accommodations and contact information for them will be supplied after registration. All lodging is about 10 minutes from Silk Purse Farm.



By Car: If driving from the Seattle area, travel time is approximately 1 hour.

By Airport: Sea-Tac, Seattle, WA, is closest, located approximately 27 miles and 40 minutes away from Silk Purse Farm.


See Wild Reiki Shamanic’s site for REGISTRATION


Who We Are

Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC

Rose De Dan is a shamanic practitioner, Reiki Master Teacher, animal communicator, author and artist.

In 1995, while living in Worcester, Mass., she had a life-changing experience during a Reiki class and was gifted with a vision of a healing practice for animals. In pursuing that vision, Rose began to remember her childhood dreams and passion to help animals. In the process of becoming an energy healer, animal shaman, and voice for the animals, Rose found her practice evolving into building bridges between people and domestic and wild animals, and has been bringing people and animals together in ceremony since 1998.

“Months after the workshop, my animal communication/healing work continues to improve and my own animals are responding in clear and positive ways…It was very empowering to be in an entire group of people who share my love of, and commitment to, animals…I learned from each and every one. Rose, you’re an inspiration. I wish I had known you 30 years ago when I was trying to figure out why I’m here.” — Kathy Dunn, Norcross, GA


Silk Purse Farm

Peggy Gilmer is an Executive Coach and Leadership and Self Mastery Coach for Children and Teens. She’s also a Reiki III Practitioner and owns Silk Purse Farm where she has partnered with her herd of Tennessee Walkers for 15 years, helping her clients to become the best version of themselves. For more information about Peggy’s work in general please visit her website. For more information on her work with horses please visit The Feel of Mastery or tune in to her blog Light from the Barn: what animals know about life, love and leadership.

“I don’t know if I can imagine a more powerful and rewarding combination of wisdom resources – a seasoned executive coach, well-loved horses, and a gorgeous natural setting. You will be astonished by the breakthroughs available to you at Silk Purse Farm. Being in the natural world in the company of a wise human guide and the complete honesty of horses is a pleasure in itself. Add showing up with a willingness to listen to body, heart, mind, and spirit and you are guaranteed to go deep and move fast. My capacity as a leader in the workplace, as a parent, as a friend, and as a person committed to growing the greater good expands each time I work with Peggy. “Magnificent” begins to describe the journey!” — Bridgett Chandler, CEO, Campfire NW

New book – The Proof is in the Poodle

Sunday, April 8th, 2012

My friend and colleague Donna Kelleher just put out a new book on her healing journeys with animals called, The Proof is in the Poodle. This book follows the lives of five animals: A bedraggled poodle-mix named Sampson, an opinionated terrier named Smudge, a rescued horse named Tino, a golden retriever named Jasper and a striped tabby cat named Tinkerbelle.

Although animal rescue and herbal medicine are continuous themes, the author explores the notion of healing, discovering that animals need inspiration to achieve optimum health. The book also follows the life of the author through hard-learned lessons and an unwavering dedication to animals as well as her mentor, a neighborhood herbalist. Readers come away with a new insight into the world of holistic veterinary medicine and new skills to improve the wellness of their own beloved animal companions.

Many of you may know Donna from her book The Last Chance Dog: and Other True Stories of Holistic Animal Healing. Donna is considered one of the pioneers of holistic medicine for animals worldwide. I was lucky enough to start up my practice in West Seattle right after she had moved away and was able to step into a very supportive community of animal people who were open and excited to embrace holistic medicine. If you have not read Last Chance Dog, I highly recommend it!

I just ordered Donna’s book and am looking forward to reading it and I promise to post a review soon! With this book Donna is also self publishing for the first time. Self publishing allows an author to keep more of the income generated from a book and also gives them more freedom to follow their own vision. To order Donna’s book go to her website The Proof is in the Poodle .

These days Donna has a holistic veterinary practice in Bellingham, Washington.

I’m away on vacation

Thursday, February 9th, 2012

I’ll be on vacation in the sun of Mexico for the next week until February 20th. While I am away I will not be approving comments or visiting the forums.

Even without me there is a lot of information on this website, please explore. Thank you for visiting!

We are resting during the holiday break

Friday, December 23rd, 2011

It’s been a wonderful year.

Thank you all so much for visiting and helping to make this site great!

I’m taking a break for the holidays with my human and animal family. I look forward to the seeing you in the new year. Have a wonderful holiday!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011